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#OpponentOpponent ratingResultGame startDur.Game typeBetScore
1Alexey Fizik393389 ( +16 )25.12.2024 21:50:2300:20:4825059:33
2Alexey Fizik377373 ( -16 )25.12.2024 21:21:3200:28:2425071:13
3Alexey Fizik393389 ( +16 )25.12.2024 21:11:4000:09:3225010:75
4Sebastian Rox222130 ( -12 )25.12.2024 01:35:3700:04:591000:0
5Sebastian Rox209142 ( -13 )25.12.2024 01:35:0500:00:171000:0
6Sebastian Rox195155 ( -14 )25.12.2024 01:33:1700:01:331000:0
7Sebastian Rox180169 ( -15 )25.12.2024 01:29:5400:03:071000:0
8Sebastian Rox196184 ( +16 )25.12.2024 01:22:4100:06:581000:0
9Sebastian Rox181168 ( -15 )25.12.2024 01:18:4300:03:431000:0
10Sebastian Rox165183 ( -16 )25.12.2024 01:11:0800:07:201000:0
11Sebastian Rox180199 ( +15 )25.12.2024 01:07:2600:03:261000:0
12Sebastian Rox196184 ( +16 )25.12.2024 00:59:5100:07:201000:0
13Sebastian Rox214168 ( +18 )25.12.2024 00:57:0500:02:311000:0
14Sebastian Rox201150 ( -13 )25.12.2024 00:52:0300:04:461000:0
15Sebastian Rox186163 ( -15 )25.12.2024 00:47:2800:04:201000:0
16Sebastian Rox203178 ( +17 )25.12.2024 00:45:1800:01:541000:0
17Sebastian Rox221161 ( +18 )25.12.2024 00:39:3100:05:321000:0
18Sebastian Rox208143 ( -13 )25.12.2024 00:35:3000:03:461000:0
19Sebastian Rox227156 ( +19 )25.12.2024 00:30:3300:04:231000:0
20Sebastian Rox215137 ( -12 )25.12.2024 00:24:3600:05:161000:0
21Sebastian Rox202149 ( -13 )25.12.2024 00:19:2700:04:531000:0
22сидр210162 ( -14 )24.12.2024 00:01:3500:04:012500:0
23сидр195176 ( -15 )23.12.2024 23:56:4000:04:252500:0
24сидр179191 ( -16 )23.12.2024 23:49:2800:06:592500:0
25сидр194207 ( +15 )23.12.2024 23:48:4400:00:222500:0
26сидр210192 ( +16 )23.12.2024 23:46:2000:02:092500:0
27сидр195176 ( -15 )23.12.2024 23:43:1700:02:452500:0
28сидр212191 ( +17 )23.12.2024 23:39:3400:03:302500:0
29Валерий Богатырёв87238 ( +9 )23.12.2024 14:04:4600:07:371000:0
30Vladimir Sun11850 ( -13 )20.12.2024 23:47:0800:03:352500:0
31Vladimir Sun10463 ( -14 )20.12.2024 23:37:5500:08:562500:0
32Vladimir Sun8977 ( -15 )20.12.2024 23:33:0700:04:322500:0
33ЖЕКИЧ5914592 ( +18 )19.12.2024 23:51:0500:06:252500:0
34ЖЕКИЧ59175196 ( -17 )19.12.2024 23:38:0400:04:322500:0
35ЖЕКИЧ59157213 ( -18 )19.12.2024 23:30:5900:06:462500:0
36ADD MASTER14231 ( +7 )17.12.2024 23:01:3100:04:591000:0
37whitepanther160174 ( +15 )17.12.2024 22:54:3900:03:521000:0
38whitepanther144159 ( -16 )17.12.2024 22:51:0100:03:181000:0
39whitepanther159175 ( +15 )17.12.2024 22:46:0500:04:361000:0
40whitepanther143160 ( -16 )17.12.2024 22:45:2200:00:241000:0
41dyraku u to4ka98503 ( +3 )15.12.2024 23:43:2900:03:542508:1
42cgds130224 ( +11 )15.12.2024 22:38:2200:07:302500:0
43cgds142213 ( +12 )15.12.2024 22:33:1600:04:502500:0
44cgds156201 ( +14 )15.12.2024 22:26:2200:06:292500:0
45cgds171187 ( +15 )15.12.2024 22:21:2400:04:362500:0
46cgds154172 ( -17 )15.12.2024 22:15:0900:05:582500:0
47cgds136189 ( -18 )15.12.2024 22:13:0300:01:502500:0
48Sebastian Rox16574 ( -12 )14.12.2024 00:49:0300:07:151000:0
49Sebastian Rox15286 ( -13 )14.12.2024 00:42:4600:06:021000:0
50Sebastian Rox13899 ( -14 )14.12.2024 00:35:2700:06:571000:0

Last visit:
25.12.2024 21:50


Rating: 3123
Place: 123

Total games: 3889
Wins: 2174
Losses: 1715
Effectiveness: 55.90 %

Registered: 08.08.21
Total time in the game: 29 d. 21 h. 39 m.

Results by the game types - СП - с подсказкой
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid5033067%
Combined pyramid26925557%
Динамическая пирамида3349457%
Классическая пирамида3892658%
Московская пирамида34017363%
Pool 8-ball19632054%
Pool 9-ball13030154%
Пул-8 (немецкая)2386850%
Снукер (6 красных)19119447%

Results by the game types - БП - без подсказки
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid17154167%
Динамическая пирамида019880%
Классическая пирамида010870%
Московская пирамида151272100%
Pool 8-ball23130133%
Pool 9-ball10318183%
Снукер (6 красных)011170%

Results by the game types - All
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid52012867%
Combined pyramid26954257%
Динамическая пирамида33425157%
Классическая пирамида3895058%
Московская пирамида35537663%
Pool 8-ball23742754%
Pool 9-ball23320254%
Пул-8 (немецкая)23816050%
Снукер (6 красных)19137647%

Results by the game types - ШФ - шар-фантом
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Классическая пирамида05000%
Pool 8-ball18548100%
Пул-8 (немецкая)05830%
Снукер (6 красных)06260%

Most frequent opponents
#OpponentRatingGames together
1вика ст286206
2Артур Заргарьян1863143

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