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#OpponentOpponent ratingResultGame startDur.Game typeBetScore
1xXxAndersoNxXx1480 ( 0 )27.01.2024 23:27:3100:06:3151:8
2shah 784490 ( 0 )27.01.2024 23:08:0000:18:3454:8
3Хач Манукян2400 ( 0 )27.01.2024 22:58:1200:08:1751:8
4ЮраПеремелит1870 ( 0 )27.01.2024 22:50:1500:06:3358:3
5ЮраПеремелит1770 ( 0 )27.01.2024 22:38:5600:10:3858:2

Last visit:
27.01.2024 23:27

Valera Avramenko

Rating: 0
Place: 61619

Total games: 5
Wins: 0
Losses: 5
Effectiveness: 0.00 %

Registered: 27.01.24
Total time in the game: 50 m.

Results by the game types - All
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid0139150%
Combined pyramid059600%
Динамическая пирамида049810%
Московская пирамида059180%

Results by the game types - БП - без подсказки
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid050320%
Combined pyramid029660%

Results by the game types - ШФ - шар-фантом
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Free pyramid019510%
Московская пирамида014180%

Results by the game types - СП - с подсказкой
Game typeRatingPlaceResult
Динамическая пирамида036640%

Most frequent opponents
#OpponentRatingGames together
2shah 7819601
3Хач Манукян15151

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